At Diaverum, we believe in access to opportunities for all. We are committed to a diversity and inclusion approach, and we strive to ensure gender equality in all our establishments around the world.

Since 2019, companies with more than 50 employees have been required to calculate and publish their gender equality index each year. The calculation of this index is based on 4 indicators:

  • The pay gap between the average salary of women and that of men, by age group and job category.
  • Differences in individual pay increases by job category.
  • The percentage of employees who have been given a raise on their return from maternity leave.
  • Parity among the 10 highest salaries in the company. To get these last points, the company must have at least 4 women among its 10 highest earners.

Find below the equality indexes for the companies concerned by Diaverum in France.

Read the professional gender equality indexes (in French)

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